Karla and Swannie (member of two years).

Karla and Swannie (member of two years).


trigger Point therapy

In daily life, by typing on a keyboard or driving a car, we often strain certain muscle groups that tighten into painful ‘knots’. These tense areas can seemingly out of nowhere disrupt nerve function and cause pain in other parts of the body (e.g. headaches, jaw pain, arm numbness, or sciatica). 

Trigger point massage therapy targets these areas to release this isolated pressure and relieve pain in every part of the body. The numerous benefits of trigger point therapy include

  • The release of accumulated toxins

  • Increased range of motion

  • Flexibility

  • Improved circulation

  • Decreased muscle spasms

  • The alleviation of pain and stiffness

If you are experiencing muscle tightness and pain in specific areas, ask for a trigger point massage session to relieve these tight areas and prevent the spread of pain to other parts of the body.

We recommend Jessica, Caitlin, Emily, Summer, or Amy.